About Us

What is OOFY?

So, you may be wondering, what exactly does OOFY stand for? What is OOFY?

Well, it actually doesn’t stand for anything; instead, it represents something very important to us, something absolutely essential to the OOFY brand. Our core value, if you will:


The word OOFY comes from the British slang word ‘OOF’, meaning money, rich, or wealthy. And while you don’t have to be particularly wealthy to purchase our height increasing shoes, we did want to infuse our brand with ideas of luxury.

We know once you try your own pair of OOFY height increasing shoes, your purchase will speak for itself, making it clear why we’ve given our company a name that is synonymous with wealth.

Carefully crafted. Flawless Italian luxury. Fine leather. Unrivaled style. Sharp design.

Need we say more?

Our Story  

The story of how OOFY came to be really is rather simple: we saw a need and we filled it.

At the time when OOFY was still only just an idea, our founder was a single man, living in Toronto. He noticed something very quickly: when he wore shoes with a higher heel, he was given more attention from women, he gained more respect in the office, and he felt more confident in general.

Could he be onto something? Could adding extra height really make that much of a difference?

After watching his friends spend hours looking specifically for higher heeled shoes, he knew he wasn’t alone in his desire to increase his height. There were other men out there as well. It was after this discovery that he created the first OOFY prototype.

Upon completion of the prototype, our founder eagerly began testing out OOFY, and almost immediately he noticed a difference in how people were reacting to him when he wore the shoe. He felt like a changed man!  

The best part? Nobody could tell he was wearing a height increasing shoe.

And so, with the incredible and easily achievable results of wearing a height increasing shoe made obvious to him, he now wants to share this ‘secret’ with you.

We’ve searched the globe for the finest leathers and shoemakers, and our deep rooted passion for superior men’s footwear is strong. We know now -- with our long awaited launch in sight -- we want customers to understand one very important thing...

We’re here to provide you with the highest quality height increasing shoe on the market. Never again doubt the ability of a shoe to give you both a height boost and a confidence boost. We know our customers, and we know you’ll see the results that you want and you deserve.

Shop OOFY and truly understand what it means to be a style-conscious man wearing quality footwear.

Plain and simple.



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